From Mother With Love

Hi everyone. My name is Lisa Warner and I'm a 42 year old mother of 4 and a teacher. I just adore kids and love spending as much time with them as possible. I've decided to create this blog to give people an insight into my life as a full time parent, teacher and carer for children.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Situation With Jack Is Getting Worse

I must make sure I see Jack’s teacher soon. I don’t think his class’s Open Day is such a good time after all. His teacher is lovely, very approachable, but I know from experience what it is like when a parent has something really important to talk about and all the other parents want a word as well.

When I collected him yesterday he looked very down. He hardly said a word in the car and even Emily noticed. Usually she is so wrapped up in telling me her news (especially if they have been practising for the Christmas show) that she likes Jack to be quiet. His silence just wasn’t right.

As we drove off I saw one of my friends waving frantically. It was impossible to stop; I would have caused a jam a mile long. She rang me later though and I’m very glad she did. (This is where the “Mummy Mafia” comes into its own – I’ve written about its virtues in my Parental Advice blog.)

I have known Nicky for ages; her son, Adam, has been friends with Jack since Nursery and I know she doesn’t exaggerate. She told me that Jack and Adam had had a falling-out and were now not even speaking to each other.

This is really worrying. In my experience boys rarely fall out with each other for more than five minutes. By comparison girls are much harder work. They are forever rowing, calling each other names, generally being horrid one minute and best friends again by the next day. I used to get really upset on behalf of Natasha when she first went to Nursery. Some days her circle of friends would play with her and then suddenly she would be excluded from the “in” crowd.

At the time I hadn’t worked at Nursery level, only in Primary Schools, so didn’t realise that bitchiness starts at 3 with some girls and just gets worse the older they are. Boys, however, don’t care what other boys are wearing etc when they are 3; they just want to rush about, make a lot of noise, kick balls very clumsily and play with dinosaurs.

But back to Adam and Jack. Apparently Jack had been very quiet all day Monday and even grumpier on Tuesday. Adam had asked him what was up several times and when he did it again at lunchtime Jack had shoved him away and eaten his food on his own.

This was so unlike Jack that Adam had told his mum; he was obviously really amazed by Jack’s attitude. Nicky had told him not to worry too much and to try and talk to Jack the next day.

Adam had tried twice, so he told his mum at going home time on Wednesday, but Jack had just blanked him and turned away.

I was very touched that not once did Nicky even imply that she thought Jack was horrible for being nasty to Adam. She knew he isn’t like this normally and that there must be something really wrong.

I told her I couldn’t really talk because all the kids were within earshot but I rang her back this morning to explain. She was furious on my behalf that Georgina could have upset the family so much.

When I told her about our visit to confront Georgina, I thought she was going to explode with fury. She couldn’t believe that anyone could be so rotten to their own family. It’s really great when a friend backs you up like that. Recently I have discovered a website called Just for Mums. It’s really good. There are loads of forums for posting up stuff that is worrying you, as well as good news of course, and all the members seem to give very genuine support. But there’s nothing like actually hearing a friend shout, “The bitch! How could she say that to your lovely Jack?”

So I’m going to try and see Jack’s teacher this afternoon and I think I had better get sausages and mash for tea: Jack’s favourite. Wish me luck!


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